
Which Rebounder to Choose?

What is the Difference between the HealthBouncePRO and the PRO-X?

ReboundSA rebounders are high quality and can be used in the home or professionally in gyms and therapy rooms.

All our Rebounders have ReboundSA’s trademark Bounce, which is Supremely Buoyant and Smooth with a reactivity and lasting “spring-back” which is what makes high quality rebounders so effective and enjoyable to use.

All Rebounders have legs that fold in and a frame that folds in half.

Place your Order via order form


You can also download and complete the Order Form (banking details are on the order form for EFT and direct banking payments) –
then Tel, Fax or email ReboundSA with your order for with your bank deposit slip. If you have any questions you are welcome to call us.

Download the Order Form

Smaller replacement parts

  • Replacement Mat-to-frame Springs: single spring R35.00 and six pack R180.00
  • Leg Springs (long spring inside of the legs that attach legs to frames): R30 each
  • Rubber Shoes: R30.00 each
  • Bull Horns (W shaped hook that attaches spring to mat): R15.00 each
  • Frame Pins: R10.00 each
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