Bouncing Effectively

by | Mar 22, 2017 | Benefits of Rebounding, Rebounding | 0 comments

Some of us instinctively turn into little animals when we step on a rebounder – leaping about like crazy. This is natural – and you’ll get there, but to gain maximum benefit you need to include a few simple, but crucial steps.

1) Use a good quality rebounder.

Low quality versions are more like toys with a hard unforgiving bounce that cannot absorb enough impact from your joints to make them both safe and comfortable. Good quality units have strong tapered springs – which should absorb at least 85% of impact, sturdy frames and high quality mats. They are much softer with a buoyant and more enjoyable bounce.

2) Be aware of possible side effects.

Some people experience mild dizziness when they first start rebounding. This is quite normal and is usually the result of being unfamiliar with the G-Force as well as the immediate effects of detoxing. It should subside within minutes of the first few sessions, but always have an able adult present to assist you when you rebound for the first time – and get medical advice if symptoms persist.

Aching calf muscles and “sea legs” are also normal (as you step off the rebounder) when you first begin – but these effects are normal and should ease off quite quickly.

3) Start slowly.

The “gentle” bounce is used to warm up and end your session. It can also be used by the elderly, frail, and people recovering from illness or surgery. Your feet remain flat on the mat, your hands either on your hips, by your side or holding onto a support bar and very gently bounce while you breathe consciously and steadily. This is not an aerobic bounce – but it elevates lymph function sufficiently enough to make a difference.

4) Find your “ZONE”.

Your “zone” is a bounce you slip into without even thinking about it. It’s comfortable, natural and includes a few basic health techniques. Criteria are; soft relaxed knees, tummy muscles pulled in, buttocks muscles clenched, shoulders relaxed – and steady deep breathing. You can either bounce on both feet, or from one foot to the other (the level of intensity is up to you, either gentle or vigorous).

5) Breath.

Deep breathing while rebounding is vitally important. It not only increases oxygen consumption – but allows lymph stored in your ducts to be released (a bit like a pressure release valve). Shallow or erratic breathing is akin to filling a syringe (your lymph vessels) with fluid – and not releasing it. This process was demonstrated in a study by Dr Jack Shields who placed mini camera’s in the body, called Lymphography, to measure lymph movement while exercising.

6) Slowing down.

Stepping off a rebounder mid-bounce can reverse some of the health benefits you’ve just gained, because fluid will simply collect and “re-pool” in areas throughout your body. You need to slow right down, first to a gentle bounce, and then a standstill – before stepping off.

7) Drink water.

Drink water to flush all the toxins out and to re-hydrate your body.

8) Duration.

A Rebound session can be anything from 3 – 40 minutes, depending on your personal needs and situation. Obviously, the shorter the sessions, the more frequently they should be done to gain maximum benefit. In cases of extreme toxicity and illness, a 3-minute session is beneficial if done hourly. A 40-minute session is optimum for bodybuilding and extreme aerobics. 10 – 20 minutes once or twice a day is often preferred by anyone with a busy schedule – as this achieves consistent benefits of rebounding, with the bonus of having very little impact on personal or business time.

9) Targeting.

Most area’s, including cellulite, congestion and areas of pain can be specifically targeted.
• For cellulite, tap or slap the areas as you breathe and bounce.
• Bio-electricity is generated as you bounce – and from both a physical and metaphysical level, you can “direct” this energy to specific areas by simply “thinking positively” about the area while you place your hands on, or as close to it as you can.
• If you feel symptoms of colds or flu starting – rebound as often as you can throughout the day, preferably for a few minutes every hour.
• For digestive problems or constipation – rub your abdomen/colon area in large clockwise circles as you breathe and bounce.
• Rebounding enhances creativity and problem solving abilities – so if you’re stuck on a problem or need a creative boost, bounce with un-focused eyes, and a relaxed body and mind. Metaphysics also suggests that if you face north while you bounce, you can increase your manifestation abilities.

10) Sculpting and aerobics.

Before advancing to a more vigorous aerobic or sculpting bounce – make sure you are comfortable with your “zone” bounce and also fully aware of your “placement” on the mat so that you don’t fall off.

Making it more fun. If scientists ever studied the effects of rebounding while listening to music on headphones – they’d probably discover a strange phenomenon. A pre-study explanation would be that your mind goes into a calm trance while your body goes into “automatic bounce”. It’s a very pleasurable feeling and you’ll find you can rebound up to five to ten times longer. Facilitated classes are also fun – but make sure your instructor is fully aware of all the techniques and requirements for Rebounding for health.

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